When you look at your pet you see nothing but an adorable ball of pure love. Pets bring us so much happiness, but did you know that they also improve your health?




Mood: Simply put, when we are around our pets we usually feel happier. This is due to the elevated levels of serotonin and dopamine which are released. Plus studies have shown that pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those without pets. 



Bone and Heart Health: Having pets could also lead to a healthier heart and bones for you! Walking in the sun lowers blood pressure and allows your body to absorb vitamin D, and vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium to strengthen your bones. Studies show that pet-owning heart attack survivors and people with abnormal heart rhythms live longer than people with the same problems who do not own pets. 


Social interaction: Walking your dog can also help you improve your social skills. Dogs can be good ice-breakers, making it easy for humans to start conversations. Studies show that people with a stronger social network are not only happier but live longer, double win! 


Stress relief: Pets also act as stress relievers. Petting your dog or cat can lower your blood pressure and allow your body to release a relaxation hormone which decreases stress. Furthermore, cuddling with your pup triggers oxytocin release, helping you to bond with your pet and alleviate stress.



Babies’ health: Pets don’t only benefit adults, but babies as well. Studies show that babies, especially under 6 months old, raised with pets around may be less likely to get allergies and asthma. Some studies even show they have less colds and ear infections than babies raised in homes without pets. This is due to exposure to pet dander, microbes that pets carry into the home from outdoors. They train babies’ still-developing immune systems to fight off allergens and bugs from animals and other bacterias and viruses. Homes with dogs expose babies to a certain household dust, which you might think is a bad thing but it isn’t! This exposure prevents infection from a common respiratory virus that increases the risk of childhood asthma.  



Children with disabilities: Children that suffer from ADHD can benefit from working with a pet because it gives them practice with responsibility and chores, while burning off extra energy allowing them to fall asleep better at night. It also increases their self-esteem as well as  attention span. Pets also are believed to help children with sensory autism because it helps the child get used to feeling something against their skin, as well as certain smells and sounds. 


A pet can bring you years of happiness, and increase your quality of life, while also allowing the pet to live a healthy, happy, fulfilling life. We encourage you to adopt, don’t shop! If you are interested in adopting a furry friend check out the link below to find shelters in your area.

